Monday, September 30, 2019

Regeneration’ and Kesey’s Essay

      However, McMurphy was only able to defeat the nurse from what he learned when she defeated him in his bid to change the television schedule. ‘Cheswick shows his hand higher and glares around. Scanlon shakes his head, and then raises his hand, keeping his elbow on the arm of the chair. And nobody else. McMurphy can’t say a word. ‘ In this defeat, McMurphy learns that he must convince the patients of an idea before being faced with the nurse; otherwise, the patients become frightened of her and lose their nerve. Once again, McMurphy attempted to change the TV schedule, but failed again due to technicalities such as the vote of the chronic patients, and the fact that the meeting had ended before McMurphy was able to get the majority vote so the motion was not carried. This incident formed a bond between the patients against the hospital staff, and they had gained an important ally in Dr Spivey, an unwary double agent. However, In Regeneration the patients of Craiglockhart do not treat staff as if they were afraid of them. The doctors and nurses of Craiglockhart are less authoritative and are lenient with the rules of conduct. ‘One of the VAD’s tugged at it. â€Å"There’s room for two in there,† she said, smiling, coaxing. â€Å"Have I to get in with you? â€Å"‘. The patients treat doctors with respect and are friendly towards other patients, however at times the patients appear to fear treatment. ‘†There’s no area of analgesia,† Rivers said to Sister Rogers. Prior snatched up the pad. â€Å"IF THAT MEANS IT HURT YES IT DID†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ. On the other hand, in ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’ the patients treat nurse Ratched with minimal respect and some of the patients are very unprofessional in what they say and do to her and the other student nurses. It can be said that Craiglockhart is more civilised as a hospital, and nurse Ratched’s ward can be compared to a high school classroom where the patients are conspiring as to how they can defeat the nurse, similar to the way students may act together to outwit a teacher. Nurse Ratched constantly undermines her patients in front of one another to make them feel inadequate; almost emasculating them. ‘Right at your balls. No, that nurse aint some kinda monster chicken, buddy, what she is, is a ball-cutter. ‘ On the other hand, Rivers sees his patients as his equals and treats them with high regard, even though Rivers himself is more intelligent and qualified than almost all of the patients that he treats. Patients in Ratched’s ward also resent the ward itself and its confines, and wish they could escape the dreariness of it all. The irony of this is that most of the patients who complain are not committed and are only in the hospital voluntarily, so they could walk out of the door at a moment’s notice; however, the patients are unable to do this due to nurse Ratched making them feel inadequate and therefore unfit for society. When McMurphy discovers that it is the Nurse who decides how long a patient spends on the ward, he is beside himself with anger, directed mainly at the other acute patients for egging him along against the nurse, when all the while they knew that it would only get him committed for a longer period. Conversely, we are given the impression that all the patients at Craiglockhart are committed, however they all have the freedom to roam most of the institution and the outdoor facilities such as the golf course ‘Prior watched the amber lights winking in his beer. He was sitting in the shadowy corner of a pub in some sleazy district of Edinburgh. ‘ The patients are allowed to leave the hospital premises and are trusted to be responsible enough to return. In ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’, patients are not even allowed to leave the premises without an accompanied pass. This is needed in order for McMurphy to take a group of the patients and Dr Spivey, one of the resident doctors of the hospital, on a fishing trip later in the novel. The fishing trip was organised by McMurphy for a number of reasons that could only possibly be contrived by a person of sound mind. The first of these reasons is to deliver a blow to the nurse’s control over the patients and to show them that they are in fact free to do what they wish. His other incentives were money, which he acquired from the remainder of the funds from patients used hire the boat, and also the chance to spend some time alone with a woman who would be accompanying the men on the boat, something that we can presume McMurphy has not been able to do for a while now. During the fishing trip, we are able to see the effect of nurse Ratched’s enfeeblement of the patients when they enter the garage to buy fuel. The mechanics at the garage are taken aback by the sight of patients from a psychiatric institution, and the awkward exchanges between the doctor and the mechanics only make things worse. It is at this moment when McMurphy comes to the rescue of the patients and confronts the workers at the garage. ‘we’re every bloody one of us hot of the criminal-insane ward, on our way to San Quentin where they got better facilities to handle us. ‘ McMurphy lies and uses bravado to frighten the mechanics and empower the patients, who no longer feel as if they are the laughing stock of town and begin to order the workers around. This is an example of how mental illness is perceived in society at the time the book was set, and how the patients were able to overcome its stigma, if only for a short period. Their personal triumph was over once the patients had reached the fishing port and were confronted by sailors who took the opportunity to make suggestive jokes about the patients’ female companion, as they stood there helplessly, unable to defend her without the presence of McMurphy. In ‘Regeneration’, the reader encounters a similar stigma attached to mental illness. One particular case involves the character Prior, who is questioned about why he was not wearing his blue hospital badge. Prior retorts to Rivers’ question, stating that ‘I wasn’t wearing the badge because I was looking for a girl. Which – as you may or may not know – is not made easier by going around with a badge stuck on your chest saying I AM A LOONY. ‘ Prior assumes, perhaps from experience, that wearing his hospital badge would be a deterrent for women as nobody seems to jump at the opportunity to be involved with a mentally ill person. Another incident in involving the badge occurred with Sassoon when he went to the Conservative Club to meet Rivers. ‘looking at the young man in uniform evoked, and then – or perhaps he was being oversensitive? – with a slight ambivalence, a growing doubt, as they worked out what the blue badge on his tunic meant. ‘ Once again, the reader is presented with a situation in which people change their opinions when faced with an ‘outcast’ from society, someone who is irrational and is therefore supposed to be unacceptable to the general public. Near the end of ‘Regeneration’ Barker introduces another psychiatrist called Dr Lewis Yealland. He is similar to Rivers in that Yealland is also highly respected and acclaimed on his work; however, the underlying difference between the two characters is in the way they treat their patients. Where Rivers would tend towards having a conversation with the patient to solve the problem, Yealland prefers to cast a dominating presence to the patient, neglecting their views and suggestions. ‘†No†, Yealland said. â€Å"The time for more electrical treatment has not yet come; if it had I should give it to you. Suggestions are not wanted from you, they are not needed. â€Å"‘ Yealland does not allow patients to express themselves as he feels that any self-diagnosis by a patient is a threat to his judgement, and this is intolerable in his treatment. Yealland can be compared to nurse Ratched, in that both the characters require dominance in a situation and superiority over those under their jurisdiction. Another difference between Rivers and Yealland would be that Rivers, as mentioned before, endeavours to resolve the problem that the patient is suffering from, thus curing the patient of his illness, whereas Yealland merely addresses the symptom arising from the illness and treats the patient to rid them of this. He eradicates the symptom, while this is only the tip of the figurative iceberg, and neglects the patient’s psychological problem, which caused the symptom in the first place. In the novel, Yealland serves a larger purpose as a metaphor for the control that the government exerts over citizens, indifferent towards the voices of individuals, for example, the voice of Siegfried Sassoon, which was ignored and discredited by the government in the same way Yealland ignores and discredits his patients’ views. Yealland provides the reader with a clear, yet cleverly concealed allegorical view of the novel where the same concept is repeated for a greater effect on the reader’s opinion of both the presentation of mental illness and the way it is treated, and also the government’s approach to dealing with soldiers who cry out against the unjustness of war. Nearer the end of ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest’, McMurphy throws a party one night for his farewell as he plans to break out of the ward and make his escape that night. The party is not sanctioned by the nurse who has no idea of its taking place, so McMurphy knows that he must leave otherwise he will be punished severely for his actions. On the night of the party McMurphy organises for a girl to come onto the ward and make love to Billy Bibbit, making him lose his virginity. McMurphy’s plan of escape fails and the nurse returns in the morning to find the atrocities that have taken place on her ward. She confronts Billy Bibbit about his actions, and he seems confident, however once the nurse threatens to informs Billy’s mother of his wrong doing Billy breaks down and pleads with her not to do so. ‘†Nuh! Nuh! † His mouth was working. He shook his head, begging her. â€Å"You d-don’t n-n-need! â€Å"‘ Billy is so disturbed by the prospect of his mother finding out about his actions, that he takes his own life shortly after the nurse confirms that she will inform his mother. After this event, the ward changes dramatically. Patients who were not committed begin to leave; Sefelt, Frederickson, even Harding. McMurphy was taken away for a lobotomy, which succeeded in calming him down, but it did so to the point where he would not fit the description of a mentally ill patient, but more of a breathing corpse. The Chief cannot stand to look at this change in McMurphy so he resorts to suffocating him in order to put out his suffering once and for all. On doing so, the Chief escapes the ward by picking up the control panel in the tub room and throwing it through the window. This mirrors the event where McMurphy attempted to lift the control panel, the difference being that the Chief succeeded where McMurphy failed by learning from him. This event is a representation of the book as a whole, where one man’s titanic struggle and failure managed to stimulate another man’s will to live, and as one circle of life draws to a close, a new one begins. Emile Khan – 1 – Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Ken Kesey section.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


Chlorine gas was used during the war a lot. Chlorine gas was first used April 22 191 5 at leper in Belgium. There were many ways of use of the gas for example; artillery shells, mortar projectiles, aerial bombs tank sprays and landmines were used to spread the chemicals around. During the Cold War the United Stated and Russia had enough chemical weapons to wipeout most animal and plant life on earth.Blologlcal weapons were deployed In various ways to gain strategic or tactical advantage over an advisory. The united States developed an anti-crop capability that used bio-herbicides or myco-herbicides to destroy enemy agriculture. Fisheries and water-based vegetation was also targeted. Wheat blast and rice blast were weaoponized in aerial tanks and cluster bombs to deliver to enemy water sheds. Even though herbicides are chemicals they are grouped with biological warfare and chemical warfare because they work the same as blotoxlns and ioregulators.Japan poisoned Chinese water wells to s tudy how many people got Typhus and other diseases. Germany also used bioweapons at the beginning of the Second World War. Oplnlon/Crltlque: In my opinion bioweapons were both good and bad but I think that they were mostly bad. The bad toxins that are Inside somebody can get Into their genes and be passed on to their child If they have any. If there Is a child and one of the parents have toxins in them the child can come out looking deformed and mutated.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Assignment Example This is because the ATS allows foreign nationals to open human rights violation cases in the United States Federal Judiciary; whether these cases took place within or outside the North American continent, notwithstanding (Bellia Jr. and Clark, 2011). The Benefits and Tradeoffs of This Expanded, Tactical Use of the ATS The use of ATS boosts America’s image as a country that does not compromise on human rights and freedoms violation. The rest of the diplomatic world is compelled to automatically follow this example. This means that human rights and freedom are increasingly upheld and safeguarded. One of the downsides of the ATS is its penchant for flooding (the US) court systems with a barrage of cases that have very little resolve, if at all. Question 2 The Grounds on Which the Senators Protested The premise upon which the Senators protested is worthy of credence. Particularly, Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton by appending her signature to the ASEAN treaty endorsed the agreemen t, without letting it undergo the appraisal of the Senate, as should be the case. Thus, Clinton’s act was a contravention of the US Constitution, art 2, Â § II and art 6, Â § II which mandates the issuance of the Senate’s consent and advice. ... Because of this, treaties can be said to be too sacrosanct to be left to the whims of the executive. For instance, the purpose of the ASEAN treaty was to promote lasting peace and international cooperation in Southeast Asia by building, strengthening and solidifying diplomatic relations. The guidelines of the Treaty of Amity (TAC) were also binding herein and demanding of principles such as mutual respect for sovereignty, non interference, the right to political autonomy and effective cooperation. These policies are too serious to be left to the whims of the executive. Question 3 Euro-governance Euro-governance refers to the political, legal and social developments of the Europe Union which are aimed at achieving the economic objectives of the euro (Payandeh, 2010). Whether Rabkin, Slaughter and Burke-White are talking about the same phenomenon By far, it is a fact that William W. Burke-White, Anne-Marie Slaughter and Jeremy A. Rabkin are talking about the same phenomenon. Burke-Whit e, Slaughter and Rabkin are not just experts in international law, but they also speak on the same concept. For instance, Burke-White vouches for the effectiveness of international tribunals and courts, investment protection, investor-state arbitration, International Criminal Court (ICC), transnational justice, the fostering of human rights and criminal law. He also acknowledges the need for the government to address sovereign bankruptcy, international human rights, violations amnesty legislation and responses to emergencies. Conversely, Slaughter also speaks of the need to tackle worldwide terrorist and criminal networks, the International Criminal Court, the need to protect civilians in the Arab spring, global pandemics, climate change, and regulating the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Dell Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Dell Inc - Essay Example The force of the buyer revolves around the relative strength which the buyer can exert on the business through the course of business transactions. The Force of the Buyer can also be applied to the business in terms of considering the business as a buyer from its suppliers, In each case, however, the relative strength of the company, both when feeling the force buyers exert on it, and as it buys from suppliers, is relatively weak. Neither the company nor the consumers can exert a high level of buying power on the company According to Porter, the power of the buyer is strong when those who buy from the company, or the company as a buyer, exist in a limited marketplace. In other words, when the company exists as a buyer from suppliers, and the company is the only buyer, or one of a limited number of buyers of specific goods and services. (Porter, 1980) An example of this type of relationship could be the Department of Defense as a buyer from defense contractors literally is the only buyer of goods and services for the purpose of our countries defense. (, 2004) In this case, the buyer has monopolistic power over the sellers, and can dictate what it wants and how much it is willing to pay. However, no such limited monopoly exists in the computer marketplace. ... Developed as a strategic response to the internet, Dell launched a business model which focused on 'build to order' computers. Rather than guessing what its customers wanted, and building inventory which was then stored in warehouses until ordered, Dell developed an integrated supply chain management system, and then went to the consumer and allowed the end user to drive manufacturing. The company focused on connecting with the consumer's immediate desires, and then building just what was ordered. For Dell, this decision cut costs, and increased the velocity at which the company could operate. According to Bossidy and Charan (2002) Dell became the market leader with this business model. The company turned its inventory 80 times per year, rather than 20 times which is the typical inventory turnover rate of its competitors. Through this strategy, dell became known as the market leader in terms of getting the consumer exactly what he or she wanted, on time, accurately, and at low cost. This positioned Dell to experience the success which it is now struggling to hang onto. However, this does not make Dell a strong buyer as a buyer of goods and services when compared to its competition. Dell, HP, IBM, and Sun Microsystems are all purchasers of similar products. While the companies may have their own idiosyncrasies in terms of what specific parts and pieces they purchase, they are all purchasing the same types of products, and therefore all have similar levels of power in the marketplace as a buyer. Dell may have a larger power in the marketplace than its competitors because of their higher level of volume it consumes. However, the company is not an exclusive

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Minimum Wage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Minimum Wage - Essay Example Minimum wage increases as only a short-term benefit to the poor. Prices will quickly adjust for this increase as companies raise prices to make up for the increased wages they must pay. They need to keep profits the same or raise a rise in employee wages will equate to a rise in prices. Supporters of living wage laws say that the current minimum wage simply does not keep up with the cost of living. Allowing employers to pay less than a living wage is just cost-shifting to the public at large, forcing the government and private charities to fill in the gap between low pay and survival. Many economists supports that the minimum wage is a matter of social justice which helps reduce exploitation and ensures that workers can afford basic necessities of living. Supporters deny claims of causal links between the minimum wage and adverse impacts upon employment, and suggest that in any event, greater social benefit derives from the minimum wage. Raising the minimum wages of employees increases the economic efficiency of the economy where labor markets exhibit a high degree of market power on the part of employers. As Kash explains, (Montag 51) "The minimum wage goes up in one place, but doesn't change right next door.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The fall of Satan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The fall of Satan - Essay Example Satan always yearns to be God. He once tried to convince Adam and Eve by telling that if they eat the forbidden fruit, they will be as God. Satan’s desire and purpose is nothing but to be God. We find in the passage that Lucifer wanted to raise his throne above the stars of God. Satan is the author of desire, lust and thirst for position. His mind is clearly revealed in this passage. He wanted to be like the most high. Throughout the bible we find Satan relentlessly attempting to make himself like God. Yet another passage that confirms the mentioning of Satan in Isaiah 14 is Ezekiel 28. Here we find a proud king, king of Tyre who represents Satan. Satan, the father of pride and idolatry is ruling the heart of king of Tyre. We find the lamentation about king of Tyre, Satan. We find that he was in the Garden of Eden, among the fiery stones. He was adorned with precious stones, and was a shining star in heaven. In the same passage we find Satan being thrown out of heaven. His pri de pushed him out of heaven. We find his fall to the earth from heaven. It is the same fall Jesus mentions in Luke 10:18. The description of the fallen star in Isaiah 14, Luke 10 and Ezekiel 28 refer to Satan, the fallen angel. The pride of the fallen star mentioned in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 accounts to Satan alone. Satan’s status before the God prior to his fall is also explained in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28. In Ezekiel we read that â€Å"Thus says the Lord God: â€Å"You were the signet of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God every precious stone was your covering, sardius, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, emerald, and carbuncle; and crafted in gold were your settings and your engravings. On the day that you were created they were prepared. You were an anointed guardian cherub. I placed you; you were on the holy mountain of God; in the midst of the stones of fire you walked. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created, till unrighteousness was found in you† (The Holy Bible). Who other than Satan was found in the Garden of Eden? Satan who remained as the guardian angel for Adam and Eve sinned against God and man because of his pride and thirst for glory and power. This unrighteous attitude of Satan is mentioned in the passages. Satan’s unrighteousness was found on the day he developed the desire to place himself above God. Isaiah explain this unrighteousness as â€Å"You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God; I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High’† (The Holy Bible). The consequence of Satan’s pride is also mentioned in Isaiah 14. We read that â€Å"How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low!† (The Holy Bible). The explanation of Satan’s position before God, his beauty, his adornment, his perfection and his place (in the Garden of Eden) in Ezekiel resembles to the glory and honor of Satan mentioned in Isaiah 14. Isaiah describes him as morning star, son of the dawn. Ezekiel finds him walking in the stones of fire. The status of Satan before and after the fall coincides in all the three passages. There is no character in the Bible who can be attributed to the characteristics

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Case study one and two Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Case study one and two - Term Paper Example The partner would have to buy in to acquire equity in the company. A good way to determine the valuation of Mystic Monk Coffee is to hire a consultant to determine the value of the firm. The new partner will provide the firm with cash that can be used to expand the business. The partner will also bring human capital into the organization. A second constraint the company faces is limited workforce capacity. The firm only has three employees. Once the new partner comes on board the company can solve the problem by hiring three additional employees. The new employees can help the company in its expansion plan. A growth plan of adding another store managed by the new partner can give the firm added exposure and it can double the revenues. The beer industry is the United States generates $100 billion in revenues annually. Beer is the most consumed alcoholic beverage worldwide. As a drinkable beverage beer has lots of substitutes. Beer can be substituted by water, sodas, tea, juice, and hot beverages including coffee and chocolate. If we narrow the product category, beer is an alcoholic beverage. Wines, rum, vodka, and other hard liquors are substitutes to beers. The bargaining power of the buyers in the beer industry is affected by various factors. The list below illustrates three of those factors and its relative power: There are several critical success factors in the beer industry. One important factor for success in the beer industry is advertising. Beer companies spend billions of dollars each year on advertising using multiple media channels including television, radio, billboards, and the internet. The target market that is aggressively targeted in advertising by beer companies is people between the ages of 18-35 years of age. A second critical success factor is customer loyalty. Beer companies depend on the repeated business of its customers to generate revenues on a

Monday, September 23, 2019

Distance education comparing 2 educationalinstructional websites for Essay

Distance education comparing 2 educationalinstructional websites for use of medium - Essay Example Within the context of the stated, the IHEP (2000) examined existing benchmarks, guidelines, and principles that addressed quality online learning. The examination resulted in a list of 24 benchmarks that are deemed essential to quality online distance learning. Proceeding from the above stated, this research will evaluate two distance learning programs using the 24 benchmarks referred to in the above. This analysis will show that even though Phoenix University's online programs are very well developed, they fall short of Athabasca's. Benchmarks and recommendations for online distance learning were developed by many sources (ADEC, 2001; AFT, 2000; IHEP, 2000). The guidelines represent institutional and faculty controls over many aspects of distance learning and included: (a) program quality and standards; (b) faculty support; (c) student services; (d) evaluation and assessment; (e) role and mission of the university; (f) access to learning resources; (g) quality of faculty; (h) student interaction with faculty and peers; and (i) a comprehensive technology plan. The institutional support benchmarks were defined as: (a) a documented technology plan that included electronic security measures to ensure that the validity, quality and integrity of the information; (b) the technology was as failsafe and reliable as possible; and (c) the existence of a centralized system to maintain and support the technology infrastructure. As regards both Phoenix and Athabasca, no information was provided on either website regarding institutional support. 2.2 Student Support According to the MEP 2000 student support benchmarks for online distance learning were: (a) the availability of information about courses and programs; (b) hands-on training and information for students on the library and its resources; (c) the availability of technical support, instructions on technology, and tutorials; and (d) a system in place to quickly address student questions and complaints with regards to student services. As relates to Phoenix University, the website mentioned the factor of student support but did not clarify the type of support offered. In direct comparison, Athabasca emphasised technology orientation courses, program orientation courses and additional training and support for all enrolled students. 2.3 Online Course and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Architecture history exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Architecture history exam - Essay Example One of the reasons for these differences was religion, in which the Athenians had pagan religions that were not prohibitive on gender relations. Therefore, architects were not held to religious standards during construction and saw exposure of men and women nude even in their private quarters as a sign of civilization, unlike Islamic cities in which architects had to adhere to strict religious requirements on gender segregation and privacy. In Islamic cities, the creation of turf for men and women was one of the most important elements during design and construction. Rather than these turfs establishing distinctive regions of physicality; however, they were meant to insulate the genders by increasing line-of-sight distance (Abu-Lughod 162). This necessitated the height of nearby buildings and window placement in such a way that protected the visual privacy of neighbors. This was meant to prevent men from seeing women in their privacy, although it did not prevent women from seeing men in their privacy. The architecture of Islamic cities in this way was different to that in Athens. For example, the Parthenon in Athens contained various open floors that contained many offices in which both genders could attend, as well as a spacious hall designed for transactions with the public without any form of overt gender segregation. While there was some segregation, this was only physical in nature and not visual. In addition, the use of columns, rather than solid walls ensured that both genders could see one another in their privacy (Tournikiotis 43). In addition, the agora that was located at the top of the hill was mainly made of terracing that allowed citizens to sit and watch presentations but did not limit the line-of-sight in any way, being visible from all part of the city. Away from public spaces, the dwelling areas in Islamic cities were also segregated into private and public space. This was meant to ensure that men could move around the residential area without interfering with women’s activities and movements. For example, most houses had wings for men on the first floor that accessed the garden and balconies on the ground floor and these wings contained the sleeping quarters for the house-head and sitting rooms (Abu-Lughod 163). However, the women were housed on the 2nd and 3rd floors for receiving guests and living quarters. In Athens, women were also confined to the interior parts of the house. However, when it came to a space like the Parthenon, the democratic spaces were created to be viewed from all parts of the city, while the agora was designed in a way that exposed voting individuals to everyone. The main difference between these spaces in Athens and Islamic cities was that men were allowed to walk naked in Athens, although, just as in Islamic cities, women were expected to be clothed with dignity (Tournikiotis 33). Walking naked for Athenian men in their houses, which were exposed, was meant to be a way of affirming thei r masculinity and showing them, as good lovers. Another obvious sign of sexual segregation in Islamic cities was the public bath sign that indicates the day ladies’ are meant to take a bath. Other signs show subtler governance of space and time. In addition, women from poor families who could not afford top duplicate space were protected from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Law Enforcement Essay Example for Free

Law Enforcement Essay The two strengths of community policing that I thought was important are being able to build are try to build a better rapport with the community and citizen better than what you already have. The second strength is to try to build a rapport with the kids in the community and keep them out of trouble, getting into gangs, and using are selling drugs. So I think when community policing are being done throughout the community that gives the police officer to become community educators, planners and organizers, which in the end it allows the police officers to appreciate their citizens as well as to learn how to work together with them, not to mention It will allow the citizens to trust them more than they do. The two limitations of community policing that I have chosen are lack of educational opportunities and lack of parental involvement. The reason why is because some of our parents have came to a point where they really don’t care what they child do, were they go, are who they hang with. Parents these days don’t follow up on their child/children were about as long as that child is out of the house that’s all that matter but thanks to the school system they have a system that calls home whenever the child/children are absent. The Police can’t do this along the need parents help to also keep the crimes of our children down and to lead them into the right direction so parents let’s get involve with our kids and not just our kids all kids they need some kind of guidance. Explain how political, economic, and demographic characteristics of a community impact community policing. Well in my community we have PAL, neighborhood watch, and citizen on patrols. PALs are a group of police officer that are mostly talkative and athletic that gather up our youth and engage them into different activities that they like to keep them off the streets during the day and they are very active with our kids they even take them places on the weekend. They have different sport activities that they play so they can stay active threw the week most of their games are on Saturdays, they even take the kids to different places like the movies, skating, bowling, etc. I really think it’s a awesome program for the youths. The only thing to this program is the child that are considered a problem child has to want to change and for the ones that’s not their dedicated to the program because they don’t want to change they want to stay that respectful child they alw ays been. Our Neighborhood watch programs usually are the police that are just getting on the force besides the neighbors. The ride there bikes threw the neighborhood to make sure no one is out of the ordinary they be in cars also they usually stop and talk to kids that they see and give the younger one stickers. Citizens on patrol are older people that live in the neighborhood and volunteer to work with the police department to ride through neighborhoods in a patrol car to make sure nothing unusual is in the neighborhood. I really think all of the programs are great for community policing and the more help from the parents and community they have the less crimes we would have and the citizen will respect the police more.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Report on Critical Review of Binary Search Tree Algorithm

Report on Critical Review of Binary Search Tree Algorithm What is Binary Search Tree? Binary search tree (BST) is a dynamic data structure, which means that its size is only limited by amount of free memory in the computer and number of elements may differ during the program executed. BST has aComparableKey (and an associated value) for each. All elements in its left sub-tree are less-or-equal to the node (, and all the elements in its right sub-tree are greater than the node (>). Assumexbe a node in a binary search tree. Ifyis a node in the left sub-tree ofx,thenkey[y] [x].Ifyis a node in the right sub-tree ofx,thenkey[x] [y]. A main pro of binary search trees is fast searching. There are three type of binary search tree: Inorder traversal Preorder traversal Postorder traversal In inorder traversal, the left sub-tree of the given node is visited first, then the value at the given node is printed and then the right sub-tree of the given node is visited. This process is applied recursively all the node in the tree until either the left sub-tree is empty or the right sub tree is empty. Java code for inorder traversal: public void printInorder(){ printInOrderRec(root); System.out.println(); } /** * Helper method to recursively print the contents in an inorder way */ private void printInOrderRec(Node currRoot){ if ( currRoot == null ){ return; } printInOrderRec(currRoot.left); System.out.print(currRoot.value+, ); printInOrderRec(currRoot.right); } In preorder traversal, the value at the given node is printed first and then the left sub-tree of the given node is visited and then the right sub-tree of the given node is visited. This process is applied recursively all the node in the tree until either the left sub-tree is empty or the right sub tree is empty. Java code for preorder traversal: public void printPreorder() { printPreOrderRec(root); System.out.println(); } /** * Helper method to recursively print the contents in a Preorder way */ private void printPreOrderRec(Node currRoot) { if (currRoot == null) { return; } System.out.print(currRoot.value + , ); printPreOrderRec(currRoot.left); printPreOrderRec(currRoot.right); } In postorder traversal, the left sub-tree of the given node is traversed first, then the right sub-tree of the given node is traversed and then the value at the given node is printed. This process is applied recursively all the node in the tree until either the left sub-tree is empty or the right sub-tree is empty. Java code for postorder traversal: public void printPostorder() { printPostOrderRec(root); System.out.println(); } /** * Helper method to recursively print the contents in a Postorder way */ private void printPostOrderRec(Node currRoot) { if (currRoot == null) { return; } printPostOrderRec(currRoot.left); printPostOrderRec(currRoot.right); System.out.print(currRoot.value + , ); } Full code example for BST //Represents a node in the Binary Search Tree. class Node { //The value present in the node. public int value; //The reference to the left subtree. public Node left; //The reference to the right subtree. public Node right; public Node(int value) { this.value = value; } } //Represents the Binary Search Tree. class BinarySearchTree { //Refrence for the root of the tree. public Node root; public BinarySearchTree insert(int value) { Node node = new Node(value); if (root == null) { root = node; return this; } insertRec(root, node); return this; } private void insertRec(Node latestRoot, Node node) { if (latestRoot.value > node.value) { if (latestRoot.left == null) { latestRoot.left = node; return; } else { insertRec(latestRoot.left, node); } } else { if (latestRoot.right == null) { latestRoot.right = node; return; } else { insertRec(latestRoot.right, node); } } } //Returns the minimum value in the Binary Search Tree. public int findMinimum() { if (root == null) { return 0; } Node currNode = root; while (currNode.left != null) { currNode = currNode.left; } return currNode.value; } //Returns the maximum value in the Binary Search Tree public int findMaximum() { if (root == null) { return 0; } Node currNode = root; while (currNode.right != null) { currNode = currNode.right; } return currNode.value; } //Printing the contents of the tree in an inorder way. public void printInorder() { printInOrderRec(root); System.out.println(); } //Helper method to recursively print the contents in an inorder way private void printInOrderRec(Node currRoot) { if (currRoot == null) { return; } printInOrderRec(currRoot.left); System.out.print(currRoot.value + , ); printInOrderRec(currRoot.right); } //Printing the contents of the tree in a Preorder way. public void printPreorder() { printPreOrderRec(root); System.out.println(); } //Helper method to recursively print the contents in a Preorder way private void printPreOrderRec(Node currRoot) { if (currRoot == null) { return; } System.out.print(currRoot.value + , ); printPreOrderRec(currRoot.left); printPreOrderRec(currRoot.right); } //Printing the contents of the tree in a Postorder way. public void printPostorder() { printPostOrderRec(root); System.out.println(); } //Helper method to recursively print the contents in a Postorder way private void printPostOrderRec(Node currRoot) { if (currRoot == null) { return; } printPostOrderRec(currRoot.left); printPostOrderRec(currRoot.right); System.out.print(currRoot.value + , ); } } //Main method to run program. class BSTDemo { public static void main(String args []) { BinarySearchTree bst = new BinarySearchTree(); bst .insert(10) .insert(40) .insert(37) .insert(98) .insert(51) .insert(6) .insert(73) .insert(72) .insert(64) .insert(99) .insert(13) .insert(9); System.out.println(The Binary Search Tree Example); System.out.println(Inorder Traversal:); bst.printInorder(); System.out.println(Preorder Traversal:); bst.printPreorder(); System.out.println(Postorder Traversal:); bst.printPostorder(); System.out.println(); System.out.println(The minimum value in the BST: + bst.findMinimum()); System.out.println(The maximum value in the BST: + bst.findMaximum()); } } Output example Linear Search Algorithm Linear search, also known as sequential search, is a operation that checks every element in the list sequentially until the target element is found. The computational complexity for linear search isO(n),making it mostly much less efficient than binary searchO(log n).But when list items can be arranged in order from greatest to lowest and the possibility appear as geometric distribution (f (x)=(1-p) x-1p, x=1,2),then linear search can have the potential to be greatly faster than binary search. The worst case performance scenario for a linear search is that it needs to loop through the entire collection; either because the item is the last one, or because the item isnt found. In other words, if havingNitems in the collection, the worst case scenario to find an item isNiterations. This is known asO(N)using theBig O Notation. The speed of search grows linearly with the number of items within the collection. Linear searches dont require the collection to be sorted. Example java program to show linear search algorithm class LinearSearchDemo { public static int linearSearch(int[] array, int key) { int size = array.length; for(int i=0;i { if(array[i] == key) { return i; } } return -1; } public static void main(String a[]) { int[] array1= {66,42,1,99,59,53,16,21}; int searchKey = 99; System.out.println(Key +searchKey+ found at index: +linearSearch(array1, searchKey)); int[] array2= {460,129,128,994,632,807,777}; searchKey = 129; System.out.println(Key +searchKey+ found at index: +linearSearch(array2, searchKey)); } } Output example Why Linear Search? Alinear searchlooks down a list, one item at a time, without skipping. In complexity terms this is an O(n) search where the time taken to search the list gets bigger at the same rate as the list does. Binary searchtree when starts with the middle of a sorted list, and it see whether thats greater than or less than the value it looking for, which determines whether the value is in the first or second half of the list. Skip to the half way through the sub-list, and compare again. In complexity terms this is an O(log n) search where the number of search operations grows more slowly than the list does, because it is halving the search space with each operation. For example, suppose to search for U in an A-Z list of letter where index 0-25 and the target value at index 20. A linear search would ask: list[0] == U? False. list[1] == U? False. list[2] == U? False. list[3] == U? False. . .. †¦ list[20] == U? True. Finished. The binary search would ask: Comparelist[12](M) with U: Smaller, look further on. (Range=13-25) Comparelist[19](T) with U: Smaller, look further on. (Range=20-25) Comparelist[22](W) with U: Bigger, look earlier. (Range=20-21) Comparelist[20](U) with U: Found it. Finished. Comparing the two: Binary search requires the input data to be sorted but linear search doesnt. Binary search requires anorderingcomparison but linear search only requires equality comparisons. Binary search has complexity O(log n) but linear search has complexity O(n). Binary search requires random access to the data but linear search only requires sequential access. (it means a linear search canstreamdata of arbitrary size) Divide and Conquer Algorithm Divide and conquer is a top-down technique for designing algorithms that consists of dividing the problem into smaller sub-problems hoping that the solutions of the sub-problems are easier to find and then composing the partial solutions into the solution of the original problem. Divide and conquer paradigm consists of following major phases: Divide Breaking the probleminto several sub-problems that are similar to the original problem but smaller in size. Conquer Solve the sub-problemrecursively (successively and independently). Combine these solutionsto sub-problems to create a solution to the original problem. The similarity with Binary Search Tree, it is a degenerate divide and conquer search algorithm but with no combine phase. It searches for akeyin asortedvector then returning theindexwhere the key was found or return -1 when not found. It also reduces the problem size by half each recursion. The algorithm definition: Divides sorted vector into 2 halves. The lower halves contain values less or equal the key and the higher half values greater than or equal the key. If the low index exceeds the high index the key is not in the vector. Compute the middle index of the vector. If the key equals the value at the middle of the vector, the index of the middle is returned If the key is less than the value at the middle of the vector, the lower half is searched If the key is greater than the value at the middle of the vector, the higher half is searched Only one of the halves is searched, reducing the problem size by half each time. Recursion Technique Recursionis a technique of solving problems that includes breaking down a problem into smaller and smaller sub-problems until get to a small enough problem that it can be solved trivially. Normally recursion includes a function calling itself. While it may not would appear to be much at first glance, recursion allow to write elegant solutions to problems that may otherwise be extremely hard to program. It is very similar with binary search tree that using divide and conquer technique which is breaking down problem into sub-problems. A binary search or half-interval search algorithm discover the position of a specified value within a sorted array. In each step, the algorithm compares the input key value with the key value of the middle element of the array. If the keys match, then a matching element has been found so its index is returned. Otherwise, if the looked key is less than the middle elements key, then the algorithm repeats its action on the sub-array to the left of the middle element or, if the input key is greater, on the sub-array to the right. If the remaining array to be searched is reduced to zero, then the key cannot be found in the array and a special Not found indication is returned. Every repetition eliminates half of the remaining possibilities. This makes binary searches very efficient even for large collections. Binary search requires a sorted collection. Additionally, binary searching can only be applied to a collection that allows random access (indexing). Worst case performance: O(log n) Best case performance: O(1) Recursion is utilized as a part in this algorithm because with each pass a new array is created by cutting the old one in half. The binary search procedure is then called recursively, this time on the new array. Commonly the arrays size is adjusted by manipulating a beginning and ending index. The algorithm exhibits a logarithmic order of growth because it essentially divides the problem domain in half with each pass. Conclusion The conclusion is there is never be the best approach to follow blindly, each of these algorithms has its pros and cons. So, if there is any scenario or problem, it should be analyze first and adopt one of these algorithms to find what’s suit. REFERENCE Implement Binary search in java using divide and conquer technique. Java search algorithm programs. 2014. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 October 2014]. Best searching algorithm | java coding algorithms. 2014 [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 October 2014]. Linear Search. 2014.Linear Search. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 October 2014]. Java Recursion with examples. 2014. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 October 2014]. Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms. 2014.Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 October 2014]. Binary Search Trees. 2014.Binary Search Trees. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 October 2014]. Binary Trees . 2014.Binary Trees. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 October 2014]. Data structures Why is Binary Search a divide and conquer algorithm? Stack Overflow. 2014. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 October 2014].

Thursday, September 19, 2019

War of 1812 Essay -- essays research papers

March 27 -- Congress authorizes construction of six frigates to help protect American merchant fleets from attacks by the Algerian pirates and harassment by British and French forces. They are to be designed by Joshua Humphreys and Josiah Fox and built at six different sites. The contract for one of those ships, to be named CONSTITUTION, is given to Edmond Hartt's Shipyard in Boston. Back to Historical Events List 1794-1797: CONSTITUTION is under construction. Built in Boston to defend the young American nation, currently CONSTITUTION is nearly as old as the document for which George Washington named her. Both the document and the ship have proven to be resilient symbols of America's strength, courage, and liberty. CONSTITUTION was designed to be powerful enough to defeat any enemy about the same size and fast enough to out sail a stronger opponent. CONSTITUTION was built by Colonel George Claghorn at Edmond Hartt's shipyard in Boston. Made from more than 1,500 trees, with timbers felled from Maine to Georgia and armed with cannons cast in Rhode Island and copper fastenings provided by Paul Revere, the vessel is truly a national ship. Launched in Boston on October 21, 1797, she first put to sea in 1798. Having remained a part of the U.S. Navy since that day, CONSTITUTION is the oldest commissioned warship afloat in the world. Back to Historical Events List 1797: Oct. 21 -- CONSTITUTION is launched and christened by Capt. James Sever. It was the third attempt to launch her. The first, a month earlier, failed when the ship moved only 25 feet down the ship ways. Two days later she was moved an additional 30 feet. Workers had to make the ways steeper before the launch could be completed. The public was warned beforehand that the launch might cause a dangerously large wave, but none materialized. 1798: March 27 -- Congress votes to fit her out for sea. 1798: July 22 -- First put to sea and commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson. 1798-1801: Cruising in West Indies protecting U.S. shipping from French privateers, CONSTITUTION is not engaged in any battles. 1802-1803: Laid up in Boston, MA. 1803-1806: President Thomas Jefferson sent her to the Mediterranean as part of the second Mediterranean Squadron to protect American ships and seamen from attack by the Barbary pirates. With Captain Edward Preble in command, CONSTITUTION and other ships of the squadron bom... ...: July 21-- CONSTITUTION sails for the first time in 116 years. The sail was conducted just outside Boston Harbor under the command of Commander Michael C. Beck. The sail complement was six. October 21 -- CONSTITUTION celebrates her Bicentennial. The crewmembers parade from CONSTITUTION's 'birthplace' (Coast Guard Integrated Support Command) to the Old South Meeting House. 1998: . July 21 - 23 -- Naval vessels and tall ships from around the world come to Boston Harbor and honor CONSTITUTION during her bicentennial. The Deputy Secretary of Defense breaks his flag in "Old Ironsides" and returns the salute from visiting warships. The ship receives a blessing, and a wreath is laid at the grave site of CONSTITUTION's first commanding officer, Samuel Nicholson, at Old North Church. 2000: . On 11 July, CONSTITUTION leads a "Parade of Sail" of over 120 tall ships into Boston Harbor with four sails set as part of SAIL BOSTON 2000. CONSTITUTION and the USS CONSTITUTION Museum launch a collaborative educational outreach program entitled, "Old Ironsides Across the Nation," to bring the Constitution story to citizens throughout the Nation over the next six

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Storm of Emotion in Kate Chopins The Storm Essay -- Chopin Storm Es

The Storm of Emotion Usually a storm creeps upon us, hits a luminous climax, and then fades away into nothingness.   In The Storm, Kate Chopin develops a parallel between a rainstorm and an emotional storm in a woman’s life.   Chopin uses symbolism to depict the feelings of relationships that are as unpredictable as that of a raging storm.   Ã‚  Ã‚   In the time frame that this story is set, many major life decisions things are made taking into account one’s duty to family - including the selection of a husband or wife.   It is possible that each of these couples may not have been in love,   when their vows were stated.   They have a duty to society; they must not marry outside of their social class.   They have a duty to their family; they must not disgrace the family by not marrying.  Ã‚   They have a duty to him or herself, they must not allow themselves to be alone.   If they marry because there is no other choice, or because of a sense of duty, it is unlikely that they will have a fulfilling relationship.   It appears as though Calixta and Bobinot are content, and if they did not love each other when they were first married, then they have learned to love each other as the time passed.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Mr. and Mrs. Laballiere seem to be content, but their relationship seems to belacking something.   There doesn t seem to be any closeness of any kind.   Clarisse is quite content to   forgo   their   intimate conjugal life   at least for a little while.   The delay in Clarisse s arrival home is encouraged by Alcee, which seems odd for a husband who is lovingly, devoted to his life long companion.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Chopin uses the details to create symbolism that represents the bonds of therelationship between Alcee and Calixta. There is an awkwardness to... ...ife is felt anew as the two lovers say good-bye in a   glistening green world   (668).   Alcee and Calixta can return to their families as hopeful, vibrant people and continue their lives with a little more love and vitality.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Ms. Chopin magnificently gathers the descriptive details and uses them in such away that her meaning is comprehensible to the reader.   The reader sees the complete storm, from the first raindrops to the last.   She uses unique, creative symbolism to portray the thoughts and emotions that so often fade with the storm. The storm washes the depressing, dingy dust away, and allows new hope and vigor to spring up in its place.  Ã‚     So the storm passed and everyone was happy   (669). Work Cited Chopin, Kate. "The Storm." Literature Across Cultures. Eds. Sheena Gillepie, Terzinha Fonseca, Carol A. Sanger 3rd ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2001. A Storm of Emotion in Kate Chopin's The Storm Essay -- Chopin Storm Es The Storm of Emotion Usually a storm creeps upon us, hits a luminous climax, and then fades away into nothingness.   In The Storm, Kate Chopin develops a parallel between a rainstorm and an emotional storm in a woman’s life.   Chopin uses symbolism to depict the feelings of relationships that are as unpredictable as that of a raging storm.   Ã‚  Ã‚   In the time frame that this story is set, many major life decisions things are made taking into account one’s duty to family - including the selection of a husband or wife.   It is possible that each of these couples may not have been in love,   when their vows were stated.   They have a duty to society; they must not marry outside of their social class.   They have a duty to their family; they must not disgrace the family by not marrying.  Ã‚   They have a duty to him or herself, they must not allow themselves to be alone.   If they marry because there is no other choice, or because of a sense of duty, it is unlikely that they will have a fulfilling relationship.   It appears as though Calixta and Bobinot are content, and if they did not love each other when they were first married, then they have learned to love each other as the time passed.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Mr. and Mrs. Laballiere seem to be content, but their relationship seems to belacking something.   There doesn t seem to be any closeness of any kind.   Clarisse is quite content to   forgo   their   intimate conjugal life   at least for a little while.   The delay in Clarisse s arrival home is encouraged by Alcee, which seems odd for a husband who is lovingly, devoted to his life long companion.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Chopin uses the details to create symbolism that represents the bonds of therelationship between Alcee and Calixta. There is an awkwardness to... ...ife is felt anew as the two lovers say good-bye in a   glistening green world   (668).   Alcee and Calixta can return to their families as hopeful, vibrant people and continue their lives with a little more love and vitality.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Ms. Chopin magnificently gathers the descriptive details and uses them in such away that her meaning is comprehensible to the reader.   The reader sees the complete storm, from the first raindrops to the last.   She uses unique, creative symbolism to portray the thoughts and emotions that so often fade with the storm. The storm washes the depressing, dingy dust away, and allows new hope and vigor to spring up in its place.  Ã‚     So the storm passed and everyone was happy   (669). Work Cited Chopin, Kate. "The Storm." Literature Across Cultures. Eds. Sheena Gillepie, Terzinha Fonseca, Carol A. Sanger 3rd ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2001.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Purpose Of Education :: Economics

The Purpose Of Education Education is an important part in every child's life, and here in Singapore, every child has to receive compulsory education. I believe that education is an important part in helping a child grow up, to make sure that a child grows up into a sensible and responsible adult. It is also important to make sure the child grows up into an independent person with the skills necessary to be in the workforce of a country. In order to achieve that, I feel that education has to be introduced at a young age. That way, children would be used to the environment, and be able to study more effectively when the child gets older, and more subjects are introduced. However, education cannot be too geared towards an academic approach. For example, I feel that the education system in Singapore is too exam-oriented. Though in Raffles Institution, there is no more focus on examinations, there still common tests and quizzes. Furthermore, other schools, specifically neighbourhood schools, still focus on examinations, which I think is a dangerous pitfall, since schools should not exist solely to make another person more knowledgeable. It should instead be used to help make the children's minds more creative, and not so rigid, in the sense that they would be able to look at things at different perspectives. This is clearly represented in "Gryphon". Mr. Hibler, a normal teacher in Five Oaks, follows the education system very faithfully. Paragraph 55 shows that Mr. Hibler had a lesson plan ready. Thus he was probably just going to tell the students some information about Egyptians. I feel that this kind of teaching, however, is not useful, since it just spoonfeeds the children with information. This information would be forgotten by the students very quickly after a few years. Next, we read on about how Ms. Ferenczi teaches the students. Mr. Hibler falls ill and is replaced by Miss Ferenczi. Miss Ferenczi, on the other hand, does not strictly follow Mr. Hibler's lesson plans, but instead she gives the students a lot of room for imagination. For example, in paragraph 64, Miss Ferenczi is supposed to talk about pyramids. However she asks the students to think of what was inside. Then she goes on to say that the nature of pyramids were to guide cosmic energy forces into a concentrated point. However, we know that this is not true. Thus she is apparently trying to encourage the children to imagine different things. This would be what I think the purpose of education should be. It should be to give children a chance to express their creativity, to

Causation of Crime- the Two Theories 1 Essay

The two theories I chose to compare and contrast are the Trait and Choice theories. These two theories explain why people commit crimes but differ in reasoning. I found that the main difference in between the two is that the choice theory states that if people want to commit a crime they will if the benefits outweighs the punishment. The trait theory differs because it deals with testosterone and whether or not people with lower IQ’s are more liable to commit crimes. When looking at the two theories you will see that the first theory is more straightforward and the second one leans more towards taking the blame away from the individual and placing it their traits. I like the fact that the choice theory states that if a person is going to commit a crime they are going to do it. Not only does this theory cover the fact that the person committing the crime weighs his or her options but might also do it out of enjoyment of act. The trait theory takes the responsibility away from the individual and places it on traits such as testosterone. I feel that this theory allows people to commit crimes and later on say that it was due to producing too much testosterone or use their IQ as an excuse to escape the fact that they committed a crime. Making the person accept responsibility for their actions it what should happen and the choice theory seems to lean more towards that as opposed to the trait theory. I would associate the guns and crime trend to the choice theory. The reason for this is because most people who commit crimes with guns already have the intention to use it. This means that they already made up their minds and have chosen to commit the crime. For instance gang crimes that involve guns, these individuals use guns, in their minds, to gain territory or even for retaliation. In a ten year span that covers 1997 -2007 there were 650 homicides (Krueger, 2007), this means that 650 times the people have made the conscious choice to kill someone. Out of those numbers, 290 of them have been by shootings (Krueger, 2007). That is some real food for thought when you add the choice theory into the equation. Gutierrez, K. (2007). Albuquerque metro area saw 54 homicides in 2007. Scripps Newspaper Group. Retrieved from: http://www. abqtrib. com.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Week 2 Cmgt 554

Patton-Fuller Community Hospital is a prominent hospital that is known for specializing in radiology, physical therapy, pharmacy, and surgery. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital was founded in 1975. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital has been providing quality care to all its patients both children and adults alike. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital patients are accustomed to the quality service that the hospital provides with a focus on the different programs and services to help maintain a high degree of care for its patients.Patton-Fuller Community Hospital has an abundance of technology and can be segmented into many different areas providing an in-depth review of the advancements and shortfalls of organization. The networking department has the challenge of dissecting and breaking down the current infrastructure to ensure a comprehensive analysis is done to provide a solution that will last for the three to five years. Identifying the right solutions and architecture is key to ensuri ng the growth of the network infrastructure to support the demands of the current health care industry.The methods of how Information transmits within the hospital and externally are: Based on the Network Diagrams the Network has two segments; Administrative and Clinical. The backbone network structure for the entire hospital is 1000 Base T. The nodes of the administrative function network utilize CAT 6 cabling. The nodes of the administrative functions network are connected to an Ethernet backbone. A single mode fiber cable, transmitting 1000 Base F, physically connects nodes attached to the clinical segment. All nodes attached to the clinical function segment is physically connected by single mode fiber cable and transmitting 1000 Base F.Both segments connect via a network bridge. A DHCP server provides all workstations on the administrative function segment with IP addresses. A good security practice for the network black/white and color laser printers are to utilize a static IP, so the MAC address is registered with the DHCP server to prevent malicious activity. To prevent any unwanted malicious activity the Nodes on the clinical function segment IP addresses are static IP’s. The DHCP service is run on the Exchange Server housed in the IT data center. The domain naming solution is also hosted on this server.Active Directory centrally manages user account management in the domain. All web traffic is relay through a proxy that masked the identity of the IP address. To ensure the hospital has adequate Disaster Recovery (DR) capability the entire hospital has a complete power backup system that automatically cuts over to a large diesel motor generator set. The Patton-Fuller Community hospital network bridge connects to the logical network. The bridge connects multiple internal segments at the data link layer, which is Layer 2 of the OSI model.The Data Link Layer enables data to be transferred between network entities and might provide the means to detec t and possibly correct errors that may occur in the Physical Layer. The hospital’s network is an Ethernet network. Within the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital architecture the physical layer can be found within the appliance in the operating room and intensive care unit along with the patients rooms. The data link layer is where the physical transmission of data is managed. This creates and distributes messages boundaries. At the network layer the management of the data is routed where the routing takes place.This is the Internet level of the protocol stack. Routers are designed to forward packets of data to other routers and active switches. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital data center uses a Cisco router model 7609 to perform these tasks. At the transport layer it is responsible for breaking large strings of data into manageable smaller packets. Error checking and elimination of duplicate packets is done at this layer as well. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital utilizes a net work gateway device to interface both their clinical and administrative networks with the Internet. At the session layer it manages the session for all users on the network.The session layer also manages the amount of time spent to transferring the data. A network gateway is considered a session layer device. At the presentation layer this layer is concerned with formatting, and resolving differences of data format between two different machines. It also takes the data from applications format to the network format. One example of this method is the Advanced Encryption Standard utilized by the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital. At the application layer it defines the interfaces for communication and data transfer. This is also the end user’s access to the Internet.One good example of the application layer would web pages. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital has the backbone infrastructure that provides adequate bandwidth to support video and other high quality of service services . However it does not have the necessary requirements for future needs. With the sale and deployment of networked equipment within the medical industry it is becoming more apparent that Patton-Fuller Community Hospital invest their future. References Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Virtual Organization, (Apollo group, 2011) https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/cist/vop/Healthcare/PFCH/index. asp

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Renaissance and the Harlem Renassance

The Renaissance and the Harlem Renaissance: A Comparison and Contrast The Renaissance Period of the 14th-16th century was a time of change and growth in the world of art. All art forms experienced progress not only in terms of the human aspect of imagination, creativity and philosophy, but also in terms of progress in available technologies and available materials and tools. The Harlem Renaissance of the sass's and ass's was similarly a time of change in the human condition as well as technique and subject matter. The medium of visual art, particularly painting, of both periods provides a fascinating study of comparison and contrasts.The Renaissance was a time of prolific production of paintings, many that are now considered masterpieces. At the beginning of the 14th century a change occurred regarding the philosophy behind art. The emergence of the Renaissance Humanist movement and its focus on the human condition separate from the church gave way to a vast array of previously unuse d, and in some cases, taboo subject matter. There was also a revival of interest in the Greek and Roman culture, their myths and legends and the beauty of their structures and cities (Renaissance Art, 2013).During the Harlem Renaissance there was a growing movement of independence in the African American art community. Prior to this time, there were African American artists, however there subject matter had been primarily depictions of Caucasian people, their lifestyle and culture. During the Harlem Renaissance, at the time called the New Negro Movement, there was a growing emphasis on African traditions and culture, as well as depiction of contemporary African American lifestyle and culture.The most famous painter of the Harlem Renaissance, Aaron Douglas (1899-1979) said â€Å"Our problem is to conceive, develop, establish an art era. Not white art painting black†¦ It's bare our arms and plunge them deep through laughter, through pain, through sorrow, through hope, through di sappointment, into the very depths of the souls of our people and drag forth material crude, rough, neglected. Then let's sing it, dance it, write it, paint it. Let's do the impossible. Let's create something transcendentally material, mystically objective. Earthy. Spiritually earthy.Dynamic. † (The Making of African American Identity, 2007) This exemplifies the feeling of paintings from the Harlem Renaissance. They convey movement and feeling, bringing the observer into the action of the subject. This differs from the style of painting in the Renaissance. In that they provide a feeling of observation, a â€Å"snapshot† of a particular event or subject. The observer is intrigued by the beauty, the subject, the context and the message, but not inspired to participate as they are when viewing a painting from the Harlem Renaissance.In the latter part of the Middle Ages, paintings were primarily commissioned by the Church and the subject matter was limited to saints and bib lical depictions in strict adherence to church doctrine. The use of Christian imagery and biblical subject tater continued in the Renaissance, however there was a much broader interpretation of the subjects, allowing the artist some license for his personality and beliefs to shine through and to focus on the human condition. Renaissance Art, 2013) The Renaissance works The Glorification of Mary (Botanical, 1481) and San Czarina Altarpiece (Beeline, 1 505) both portray biblical themes, but are not literal interpretations and contain contemporary people and/or images combined with the classic biblical figures. There are paintings from the Harlem Renaissance that portray spiritual and biblical subjects as well. These images are similar to the biblical/spiritual paintings from the Renaissance in that they also are subject to interpretation and are not a literal illustration.For example, Jesus and Three Marry Monsoon, 1939) is a portrayal of the crucifixion of Christ, but is far from the traditional image as portrayed in the Bible and in classical art pieces. The development of using oil paint on canvas and its widespread use revolutionized painting. Prior to this, the techniques were based on plaster, wet or dry, and the use of oil and tempura as binders. These works were primarily done directly on the walls of a structure and were limited to being viewed at the site of heir creation. When oil on canvas began to be used, paintings became portable and as a result more accessible.The Harlem Renaissance did not produce any revolutionary mediums however there was a new emphasis on conveying emotion through the use of color, tone and light and provided relatable art for African Americans as well as giving the world a glimpse of the culture that existed in African American homes and neighborhoods. To compare and contrast the paintings of The Renaissance and the Harlem Renaissance in a direct manner, consider the Renaissance painting The School at Athens (Raphael, 1509) and The Train Station (Elision, 1935).In School Raphael has depicted the more than fifty Greek Philosophers in a great hall, socializing and presumably sharing ideas. The tone is expressed through sharp lines and use of color to give a three dimensional aspect to the piece. This piece is a technical marvel while at the same time providing a commentary on the sharing of ideas and wisdom and conveying the artist respect for the great philosophers Plato and Aristotle as they are the at the center of the piece. In Station, Ellison has relied less on technical perfection and more on the conveyance of movement and simple portrayal of form, almost primitive.However, the primitive painting feel is deceptive, as each person is very expressive and the observer can feel the urgency and movement portrayed by the artist. This painting also provides social commentary by highlighting the exodus of African American's to the North, and portraying the only African American visible on the south bound platform as a servant. The Renaissance of the 14th to 16th provides a legacy of masterpieces in painting, literature, sculpture and philosophy that has effected each subsequent period and is still relevant today. The Harlem Renaissance is similarly influential in today's culture.The music and literature of the Harlem Renaissance have been adopted into mainstream American Culture and are familiar to the populace. The visual art is less known, but still influential. The use and allusion to African symbols and images found in the paintings of the Harlem Renaissance are still found today in contemporary African American art. The bright colors and movement of the Harlem Renaissance pieces depicting African American urban life are easily recognizable and appreciated today (Severely, 2003). Because of the cultural significance of its placement in between the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement, the Harlem

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Market For Lemons Summary Essay

In this article, the author examines the relationship between quality and uncertainty and their implication on the theory of markets. Akerlof uses the example of the automobile market in order to illustrate the effects of uncertainty and quality on consumer behavior. In his example, Akerlof begins with the assumption that consumers have the option of either buying a new or used car. However, the consumer cannot predict whether the car that they buy is a good car or a â€Å"lemon†. Therefore, the probability of a car being good can have a probability of q while the probability of a lemon would be (1-q). This probability increases, however, as time progresses and you learn about your car. Therefore, it can be seen that the seller will have a more accurate prediction on the quality of the car as opposed to the buyer because the seller has more information on the car. The problem is that the seller is forced to sell his car at a price which disregards quality because buyers are unable to tell the difference between a good car and a lemon. Therefore, the seller is not able to receive the true value of his car and therefore forced to operate under a loss. Akerlof continues this analogy in other examples. In the insurance industry, the elderly have problems obtaining insurance due to the drastic spike in premium cost. Research has shown that as the price level rises, the people who insure themselves will be those who are increasingly certain that they will need insurance. This means that as the average medical condition of the insurered deteriorates, the price level rises, with the result that no insurance sales may take place at any price. Akerlof also uses the example of employing minorities, the cost of dishonesty, and the credit markets in underdeveloped countries to make his point. He has shown how â€Å"trust† is extremely important in any business transaction. Informal guarantees are preconditions for trade and business.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Strategies and Tactics of Charleston SC Super Sofa Fire (June18,2007) Research Paper

Strategies and Tactics of Charleston SC Super Sofa Fire (June18,2007) - Research Paper Example It was reported as the greatest single loss of firefighters since the bombing incident of the World Trade Center in September 11, 2001 (Newman, 2010). It is believed that the fire started shortly before 7pm, well within the working hours of the store. This is also a time when there is significant traffic outside the store. The staff of the store believed that the fire started in the trash outside the loading dock and quickly spread inside loading dock, then to the retail showroom and the annexed warehouse are thereafter. The first call reporting the fire was made to Charleston Fire Department at around 7:08 pm and units were dispatched a minute later. It took the approximately three minutes to arrive at the scene, an admirable response time. Another battalion from the St. Andrews Public Service District arrived at the scene a minute later to reinforce the initial team. On arrival they observed that there was a trash and debris fire against the docking area wall. A team entered the showroom but they didn’t observe any obvious fire other than smoke and light at the ceiling tiles where the fire was burning form outside. It has been noted that the Incident Commander opened the door from the dock area leading the showroom prompting an inrush of oxygen which aggravated the fire to enter the showroom. It is thought that the fire’s fury made it impossible for the commander to close the door to prevent the fire from engulfing the showroom. It is also suggested that the fire was slowly burning due to lack of oxygen in the dock area but the sudden influx of oxygen made it possible for the fire to migrate to the mail retail showroom (Newman, 2010). Approximately forty five minutes later the fire is still razing and a flashover occurs. The interior of the showroom erupts into a fireball and collapse sending ashes and debris all over the area. The fire is brought under control four hour later but in those four hours six firefighters from the Charleston had

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Whether HSE is genuine or not in the evidence of difference in the Assignment

Whether HSE is genuine or not in the evidence of difference in the potential health hazard between workers at the two operations - Assignment Example Exposure to respiratory particles of crystalline silica is associated with several human diseases such as cancer and lung diseases. The disease risk is related to both the total dose and duration of silica exposure. Silicosis, a nodular pulmonary fibrosis, is the disease most associated with exposure to respirable crystalline silicavi. Studies have shown that exposure to crystalline silica can lead to physiological changes, disease and death. There is a reliable link between cumulative silica dust exposure and increased mortality from lung cancer. Calvert et al. found a relationship between crystalline silica exposure and rheumatoid arthritis. Meijer et al. showed significant association between exposure to concrete dust and a small lung infection. xii. There are a number of factors that influence the development of silicosis and these include size of particles, and concentration of silica particles in the air duration of exposurexiiixiv. RSAxv noted that chronic silicosis is mainly the result of long term exposure and that accelerated silicosis can develop after five to ten years of exposure. Morfeldxvi concluded that no other non-malignant health effect due to RCS is as specific and so clearly linked to RCS as silicosis. Research Questions 1. Is there any difference in the health of the workers in the two operations? 2. What associations exist, if any, between length of service and recorded health effect? These research questions will be answered through a hypothesis testing. As Dythamxvii noted, hypothesis testing is the cornerstone of scientific analysis. Tests are carried out to determine whether a stated hypothesis is correct. The hypothesis is rejected or accepted based on the P-values observed. Usually, the null hypothesis (the hypothesis that nothing is going on) is the one that is accepted or rejected based on the calculated probabilities. Most research will accept or reject a hypothesis at 95% level of confidence. Thus if the calculated p-values from a hypothesis test is less than 5% (or 0.05), we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. For this study, the alternative hypotheses for which the null hypotheses were tested were: H1: There is a difference in the health of workers in brick and tile operations. H2: There is a statistically significant association between length of service and recorded health effect. Study Methodology Primary data was collected from a sample of 65 workers randomly selected for blood testing, 38 from brick operations and 27 from tile operations. The study collected data on their identity, the sectors in which they worked, the length of service of each employee, their ages, and health. Following Dythamxviii, the first hypothesis was tested using independent samples t-test since the data was unpaired and the dependent variable was a continuous variable. Minitab 16 was used to perform a two-sample t-test to assess whether there were any differences in the health of workers in the two operations. The existence of association between length of service and recorded health effect was assessed using the Pearson’s product-moment correlation. Descriptive Results Descriptive results are presented and show the number of observations (N), mean, standard deviation, minimum values, first quartile (Q1), median, third quartile (Q3), maximum values, skewness and kurtosis. The normality tests are also shown together with the descriptive results. These are graphically presented for the three main variables of the study namely age (years), length of service (years), and % of damaged cells. Figure 1: Descriptive

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Analytical summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Analytical summary - Essay Example Just like me, most of them also lack many friends. Adolescence is a difficult stage in human growth thus requiring caution. The quagmire stage presents several identity challenges thus commands close supervision and interactions with adults. Most teenagers experiment with sex a feature that presents myriad risks, as most of such sexual activities are unprotected. Besides the sex, the youngsters experiment with drugs among other contrabands. The fun and agility they attribute to such behaviors entice others into finding such admirable thus recruiting more. The stage just as stated earlier requires close parenting to help determine the close friends of a child since it is in such groups that they access the drugs among other hard substances such as alcohol. However, parenting is equally challenging since each style presents several challenges and may not often be effective. Instead of employing stringent policies at home, parents should engage their children. Through the dialogues and free discussions, children become free with their parents. Parents should permit their children to try some of the activities they caution thus making the children understand their effects and the need to avoid such (Seshadri

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Research critique part 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Research critique part 2 - Essay Example Both the independent and dependent variables have been identified in the study. The independent variables were the task-oriented leadership, and relationship-oriented leadership. The dependent variable in the study relates to job satisfaction. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the 444 nurses. More to this, interviews were used to collect data from 40 ward managers, and 13 directors. The managers and directors also filled questionnaires after their interview. In addition, field observations in 40 wards were carried out to provide data for the study. The 444 nurses were too many to conduct interviews with them, thus had to use questionnaires to avoid the tedious process. Questionnaires also allow for fast collection of data. Interviews with and questionnaires for the managers and directors were used to collect specific information. The interviews were also used as they provided the researchers with an opportunity to clarify on certain things. The questionnaires to the 444 nurses were filled and were returned within the three to four days that observations took place in the respective wards. The interviews were also conducted during the week that the various wards were under observation, as well as filling of the questionnaires. Ward visits lasted between 20-30 hours per ward for the three or four days spent in a ward. A total of 900 hours were spent on the observations. The wards were visited one at a time, and the nurses issued with the questionnaire to fill in at their own time. The interviews also took place during the time the wards were visited for the first author to make observations. The data was analyzed by use of two-level analyses. These were the individual predictor and the ward-level predictors. Leadership style was the individual predictor. Use of teams, staff stability, and workload were the ward-level predictors. A software

Monday, September 9, 2019

Concert Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Concert Report - Essay Example Milonga de Angel was a deviation from the conventional style of milongas in that it was a really slow tango. Another example of a milonga that is slow like Milonga de Angel is Milonga Triste by Sebastian Piana. Astor Piazzola made the milonga rhythm an integral component of his individualistic style that reflected in the song. Astor Piazzola has essentially infused a rhythmic pattern of 3+3+2 which tends to give a new dimension to the milonga rhythm. Milonga de Angel is one of the most popular songs of Astor Piazzola which attracted immense American following. It was a tango performance. Instruments used for the music of this song included accordion, guitar and piano. It was one of the slowest pieces of tango music that I have heard in my life. Although the instrument was played with perfection, yet the overall feel that it lent to me was boring. It was a slothful song and the overall effect was lost in the excessive use of instruments. The performers did their job in the perfect manner. The performers were so well prepared for this song that it felt as if they had been practicing it for years. It is not quite easy to perform such a slow song live on-stage, but the perfection with which they presented it provided evidence of their practice and hard work. One of the instruments that seemed particularly difficult to play was the accordion, but the performers were too well prepared to make any error. While performing, the performers did not communicate with the audience and were rather totally focused on the music, which was one factor that made this concert different and special than the conventional concerts in which the performers engage with the audiences from time to time to keep their interest and zeal elevated. Despite that, the audiences never seemed to lose interest which speaks of the quality of performance. The audiences enjoyed the performance a lot. Frequently in between the songs, some people randomly would be overcome with

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Customer Inserts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Customer Inserts - Essay Example Problems (including company’s capital analysis, the return on investment, the gross margin percentage, the break-even point,) should be manipulated by manual labor, through use of paper and pencil and desk calculators, or by electronic computers (Navarro, 2005). Math skills also make feasible the construction and conducting of experiments. Able to handle large amounts of data rapidly, they save researchers days or weeks in the search for information. They permit the compression of many years of marketing experience into a brief period. Without the ability to identify main indexes and accounting coalitions, the MBA degree can be used in a limited number of business spheres. Through this approach can be subjected to manipulations in a manner that would be impractical or impossible in an actual business. For example, changing prices abruptly, altering products, or introducing different delivery or service policies could drastically affect a company. If such departures could be simulated and the operations on the model could be studied, then their consequences in the actual business situation might be inferred, without interrupting operations and incurring possible rebuff. Preferably, information should be gained and problems should be solved analytically if these can be done readily (Navarro, 2005). Often math skills become necessary where alternative policies that affect growth, profitability, and market position are being evaluated. Actual marketing situations are frequently too complex to be handled by available ma thematical models or mathematical analysis. Essentially they are training devices that add new dimensions and greater emotional involvement on the part of participants; hence, they are good motivational devices and teaching tools (Navarro, 2005).

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Editi a paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Editi a paper - Essay Example not comprehend the significance of their contribution in a child’s language learning abilities and dismiss their roles in influencing their belief that their role does affect their children`s linguistic functioning. There are some various factors that which might cause a low impact belief such as Having a low impact belief could be because living in a foreign country or marrying a foreign partner. Inter-racial and inter-cultural marriages / mixed marriages tend to reinforce such a belief in the parents, which completely disregards the role they might play in fostering their children’s linguistic abilities since such parents, more often than not, seldom care about what language their children may speak and hence the parents do not care if their children speak their native language. Another important thing factor is the parent’s total disregard of the significance of learning a foreign language such as English when the parents do not see the importance of a certain language i.e. English. When I was teaching at an intermediate school, I have seen and witnessed such cases where parents who do not see the fail to realize the significance importance of English language and therefore the y do not encourage their children to learn it. Some parents with low impact belief told stated that they do not care if whether their children learn English or not because they believe that their children will never benefit from it. Luckily Fortunately, (at the one end of the spectrum ), there are was a significant proportion of some parents with high impact belief and they are very interested who expressed a high level of interest in raising their children as bilinguals. At the same intermediate school, I have talked to some parents who were willing to do everything to help their children improve their second language skills. Therefore, those children with high impacted parents whose parents displayed a ‘high impact belief’ about bilingualism are the observed to be the best

iTunes and the Future of Music Essay Example for Free

iTunes and the Future of Music Essay Through its iTunes, iPod, and proprietary music software, Apple dominates the legal music download industry. But with the iPod contributing half of all the firm’s revenues, Apple faces intensifying competition posed by imitators such as the joint venture between Microsoft and MTV, and Samsung’s Helix. In addition to the competitive pressures, iPod also faces legal challenges. In France for example, legal enactments that compel firms with proprietary music management software to open their code to others are about to be passed. Such a law will also standardize formats across the industry so that songs from one vendor could be played on a digital player from any other system. Apple has also had to stare down the four largest record labels as far as pricing is concerned. While the four largest record labels preferred variable pricing in order to maximize earnings, Apple successfully argued for the flat 99 cents price which is more competitive (Boone and Kurtz, 2008, ch. 4). The success of Apple illustrates how commitment to the marketing orientation philosophy is useful in ensuring organizational success. Unlike the major record labels which insisted on selling music packaged in CDs, Apple realized that music consumers’ tastes and preferences had shifted in favour of the more convenient digital format, and developed a product around such needs. Through the strategy of product development as identified by the Ansoff Matrix, we see Apple adding on to its product line music videos, popular TV shows, and short movies (Mercer, 1996). Apart from the product, Apple also got other elements of its marketing mix right. In particular, its adoption of the flat $0. 99 price rather than the variable pricing pushed by major record labels ensures that the product remains competitive. Its ability to bundle together its three products the iPod, iTunes and proprietary music software is also a smart marketing gimmick that has enabled it to lock in customers (Boone and Kurtz, 2008, ch. 4). Apple derives its sustainable competitive advantage from its proprietary music software as well as its unique player iPod. By enacting laws that allow Apple’s rivals access to its code, and by standardizing formats across the industry so that songs from other vendors could play from the iPod and vice versa, the new regulations will in essence be eroding the source of the competitive advantage enjoyed by Apple in the digital music industry. For that reason, should the French legislation succeed, it would be better for Apple to pull iTunes out of the French market (Boone and Kurtz, 2008, ch. 4).

Friday, September 6, 2019

How To Manage Conflict Essay Example for Free

How To Manage Conflict Essay Managing conflict is never easy, whether youre trying to resolve a conflict of your own or trying to help two people settle a dispute. The most important thing to know is that the longer you let the situation continue, the worse itll be when its time to resolve it. So take a deep breath, maintain your cool, and get ready to find a solution that can make everyone (reasonably) happy. 1. Make a plan for meeting. If two people are genuinely in conflict and you want to help them or they need your help then you should plan a time to meet that would make everybody happy. Of course, you may just walk into a conflict and have to solve it on the spur of the moment, but hopefully you have some time to plan in advance. If so, pick a time and place that works for both people, and make sure that they are both invested in solving the conflict. If theres real trouble, then the sooner you can get together, the better. Ad 2. Let each person state his or her side of the story. If you are in charge of managing a conflict, whether its because youre a manager or because youre helping two people figure out their issues, you have to be an active listener. Let each person express his or her position and listen with compassion and care until each person has stated his or her feelings and desires. Dont let the people interrupt each other and make it clear that each person will take turns fully explaining him or her self.[1] Make sure that both people are really listening to each other instead of just waiting until their turn to have their say. If necessary, have one person repeat some of the main points the other person made, so its clear that they both have an understanding of how each person is feeling. 3. 3 Make it clear that you are there to help resolve, not solve. The people who are in conflict must figure out how to move past their problems on their own, not look to you for a magical solution that will make all of their problems go away. You should make this clear from the start so both parties know that they have to work hard and listen actively before they can move  forward. You are there to mediate so the conflict doesnt get out of control and so that both parties can look at the situation with more objectivity and control, but that doesnt mean you will provide them with an answer. 4 Maintain your objectivity. Even if you think that Lucy is obviously in the right and Mary is 100% wrong, it is not your position to say so. If you jump in on Lucys side, then Mary will feel like youre both ganging up against her and the conflict will be even further from a resolution. Instead, keep your own personal opinions and ideas out of it and treat each persons perspective with compassion and respect. Even if one person is more right than the other, they both still have to reach a solution that can reasonably please both of them. If youre mediating a conflict, then you should pay equal attention to both people. Let each person spend about the same amount of time speaking and make points that support both people instead of just focusing on one person or the other. Maintain a neutral expression, and try not to look put off or skeptical if one person is stating something you dont agree with at all. 5. 5 Be a calming force. One of your primary tasks is to help both people keep their cool. Manage their stress levels, their anger, and their emotions to the best of your ability. If someone is getting too heated, raising his or her voice, and getting visibly angry or upset, take a five-minute break or ask that person to take a few deep breaths and wait until he or she can speak calmly. You can only find a solution if both people stay calm and can see clearly.[2] If the conversation is not going down a constructive path, and both people have resorted to name calling and cursing and just criticizing each other back and forth without getting anywhere, then you should intervene and get the conversation back on track. You can say something like, Lets focus on whats important here, or Were just not getting anywhere with this kind of talk. 6 Figure out the source of the tension. Once both people have stated their  cases, you can help them figure out what is really at stake. They may think that they are really angry at each other because of financial tension, but they may really be upset because of a lack of communication. Be as specific. Have each person discuss all of the things that are troubling him or her and see if you can really find the root of the problem. Be patient. It may take a bit of digging and some pain to get there. If you can put it in simple terms, something like, Bob feels that Mary is micromanaging his project or Sara feels like Jim doesnt spend enough quality time with her, then you can begin to tackle the problem better than if you just knew that the two people were angry with each other. 7 Work together to find a solution. Once you have all agreed on the source of the tension and the problem that is at hand, you can begin to find a solution. Remember that both people do have to agree about the nature of the real problem to be able to find an effective solution. It may not be readily apparent, and you may need some perseverance and creativity to get there, but eventually, you should be able to find a way to make both people (reasonably) happy. Here are some potential solutions you may find and ways to state them gracefully: It seems like both of you are having trouble living together. Sara may be a bit too focused on being neat, while Mary may be a bit careless when it comes to doing chores. To solve the problem, you should set out a list of guidelines for how you can both keep the house clean without running into trouble. If you both agree to do the things on the list, then you can stay happy in your living space. It seems that Bob has been managing Clark a little too closely. To avoid this in the future, Bob and Clark can discuss the objectives of a project in great detail and can decide on times when they can both check in about the status of the project; this will make Bob feel at ease about where the project is going, while giving Clark a little bit of breathing room. 8 Make a plan. Once youve found a resolution for the problem, you can set out specific guidelines for making it happen. Remember that both people have to be invested in finding this solution. You can set a timeline for achieving  these goals and have both people put it in writing so they feel that it will actually happen. Here are some ways it can happen: Mary and Sara should sit down and discuss which things in the house have to stay clean at all times, and which parts should be cleaned occasionally for an extra nice touch. Once you agree on the daily chores that really need to be done, you can make a chart of rotating tasks. Bob and Clark should meet for an hour before every new project, taking at least two detailed pages of notes so that Clark has enough direction to go off on his own. They should meet every three days for half an hour to discuss the progress of the project. 9 If both parties agree to disagree, help them part amicably. Maybe neither person, or one of the people, is unwilling to budge, and after much discussion, you havent moved past square one. If thats the case, then you should still make it so that one person understands where the other is coming from and that they can leave the situation without extra hostility or tension. Maybe Bob cant help but breathe down Clarks neck or Sara will always be messy no matter what; if thats the case, then they have to find a way to coexist or make a smart plan for parting ways. Consider the fact that maybe both people just arent ready to resolve the conflict and need more time to cool off. If you feel like the argument is getting nowhere because both people are too heated and emotional, not because they refuse to budge from their positions, then consider asking both people reschedule your meeting for a time when both parties can think more clearly. 10 End the conversation on a positive note. Whether both parties have reached a healthy conclusion or have agreed to disagree, you should end the situation on an optimistic note so neither person feels defeated. If both parties are feeling friendly, go out for a coffee or a beer; if both parties are still very angry, try to diffuse the situation with a bit of humor and see if theyll at least shake hands and stay cordial. If emotions are too heated, then its time for everyone to back off for a bit, but if the vibe is positive, make the people feel good about having the conversation. Remind both parties that, however unpleasant it may be to discuss a conflict, that  they have been mature and done the right thing by deciding to resolve the situation instead of staying angry or avoiding the tension. Method 2 of 2: Managing Your Own Conflicts 1. Face the conflict head-on. If youre dealing with a conflict of your own, then the worst thing you can do is run and hide, waiting for the conflict to get bigger and bigger until its almost impossible to resolve it. Sure, conflict is no fun, whether youre butting heads with a co-worker or your long-term boyfriend, but remind yourself that if you brush your problems under the rug, then they are guaranteed to get worse. So take a deep breath and accept that you have to deal with it.[3] That being said, pick your battles. If you feel like your boyfriend has been neglecting you, then speak up; but if you feel like you dont like the way he loads the dishwater, maybe its better to hold off. 2 Dont tell everyone about it. Its okay to seek advice from a close friend or another co-worker if you genuinely dont know what to do. But if you feel the urge to complain to every person in sight about the conflict just so you can gossip or get some anger off your chest, then youre only getting yourself worked up and possibly putting your relationship in jeopardy if the other person finds out about what youve been saying. If you do need advice, then talk to just one or two people whom you really trust so you can have some meaningful direction.[4] Think about it; how would you feel if you heard your co-worker was telling everyone in the office about your problems without talking to you about it? That kind of behavior is guaranteed to make you feel worse. 3 Use I statements. I statements are crucial for solving a conflict as objectively as possible. I statements make your feelings and motives clear and can help the other person see your side of the story without feeling accused or persecuted; You statements make the other party feel like he or  she is on the chopping block and will make him or her feel much more defensive. Here are some ways to make useful I statements: I feel like we havent been spending enough time together is more effective than You are always neglecting me. I feel like Ive been picking up the majority of the work on the project, is more effective than You have been making me do all of the work on this project. 4 Be specific. This doesnt mean you have to list the 90 things that the person has done to hurt you or to cause the conflict. In fact, this kind of behavior will only make the person feel worse, like hes being picked apart. Instead, stick to two or three concrete scenarios that can illustrate what you mean to make the person see the situation from your perspective. Here are some examples: I was really hurt when you left my birthday party early to hang out with your friends instead of spending more time with me. I spent ten hours on the Roberts report while you only worked on the cover page.